Saturday, November 28, 2015

Best Buy

Best Buy
13801 E Mississippi Avenue
Aurora, CO 80012 
First to Review
While I recognize that writing a review of a large chain such as Best Buy, Target, or Wal-Mart is about as useful as saying "No" to a rapist, I feel this posting is warranted.  Having previously owned a small retail shop I can appreciate the frustrations of both the owners who are tasked with finding quality employees, along with the feelings of annoyance every customer service employee deals with on a daily basis.
Let's face it customer service is not the easiest gig in the world, much like working as a baby seal clubber, I can imagine some nights it can be difficult to clear your thoughts before partaking in a restful night's sleep.
The driving force for this negative review has nothing to do with Best Buy's  prices, selection, or return policy, it simply boils down to the quality of the employees that suckle from the corporate teat of this particular Best Buy.  On many occasions I have had the great misfortune of dealing with some of the customer service reps at this location.  For the most part my love of instant gratification and prior product knowledge allows me to complete most purchases without having to deal with salespeople.  During my past few visits at this particular Best Buy I have had to seek counsel when searching for a particular cord or adapter.  My simplistic questions seemed to have inconvenienced the individuals who initially asked "Can I help you find something?"  Besides being greeted with an attitude that offered the same comfort as steel wool being rubbed against my tender squishy bits; I was also presented with false information.

The combination of seeing employees here take their job for granted as they wander through the store while sending text messages, talking poorly about customers the moment that they are no longer within ear shot, plus providing incorrect information on several occasions has led me to believe this locations employees suck the salt malt from the meat straw.
I embrace and don't mind honesty, if an employee simply says "I'm not sure" that is something I can respect.  However, stating that a certain cable or product doesn't exist, when it is apparently available at stores such as Target or Radio Shack does disgruntle me a bit.  What I do find most disturbing about the reps I have dealt with at this store, given our current economy; employees working in the customer service roll that speak so negatively about customers who are seeking their knowledge.  On two separate occasions I have been witness to employees mocking and speaking racial remarks about a potential customer's question the moment he or she was out of gossip range.
F-minus to the employees at this Best Buy, admittedly most of the customers you deal with on a day to day basis do not possess the technological wisdom you personally have harnessed; but that minor detail is no excuse for such poor behavior.

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